Pinktoe (Avicularia avicularia)
This species is a great beginner tarantula, they can be held easily and you can keep this communal. (some people have had success with them) They are inexpensive Tarantulas ranging from $7 to $20, they have beautiful colors of Greenish/Bluish carapace, and a black abdomen with long red satea. They are also famous for their Pinktoes! These Tarantulas are also skittish, and can be jumpy!
Range: Guyana and South America in general
Type: New World Arboreal
Diet: Any Invertebrate that hasnt been exposed to pesticides, Adult can have an occasional pinky mouse.
Adult Size: 5"
Growth: Medium speed
Temperature: 75-85 degrees
Humidity: 78% to 82%
Tempermant: Docile and Calm (can be skittish)
Housing: They can be housed in Petpals or KK on their sides, or a tall cage, arboreal setup, corkbark, vines, leaves, ect.
They MUST have a water dish at the time of 2-3"